Polly Translation is…

Sonja Dormann, German Translator and Proofreader

Many people find out early on in their lives what special talent they were endowed with. I am no different – and my talent has always been languages. I was able to read at the age of 4; at 11, I began to write my diary in English, which I was just starting to learn; and in high school I was known for writing German essays with the most accurate spelling and for burying myself in English and French dictionaries during breaks. And the fascination has never worn off! I am still thrilled to be able to surround myself with language(s) every day – both professionally and in my free time, where I am an avid listener, reader and viewer of anglophone and francophone music, podcasts, literature, films and series.

My love of all things English and French as well as my constant striving for linguistic accuracy predestine me for the profession of a German translator and proofreader. My dream job!

I was born
to translate!

My professional milestones

German Translator for English and French; trade license for language services, member of the professional group “Language Service Providers” at the Austrian Economic Chamber

Visit my LinkedIn profile for more details on my career path and current projects!

Some projects I am working on:

  • German translations from English and French as well as German proofreading for business and luxury hotels (website copy, destination guides, newsletters); 200,000+ words translated since 2015
  • English translations of German newsletters and website texts for an avant-garde designer fashion store in Vienna; 70,000+ words since 2015
  • German reviews and localizations for a leading global open-source software company (landing pages, user interface, marketing emails, apps and more), since 2019

In my free time, I like to…

  • play the guitar and sing in a choir
  • visit museums and exhibitions
  • play boardgames with friends
  • look for hidden treasures on flea markets
  • eat vegan burgers and tortillas
  • go running and do yoga

Others say I am…

… intelligent
… articulate
… detail-oriented
… creative
… eager to learn
… interesting
… friendly
… well-read
… loyal
… musical

Who is “Polly”?

“Polly” is a nickname that has accompanied me since the 1990s, when I borrowed it from a musician I admire to this day: Polly Jean „PJ“ Harvey.

What clients and colleagues say about Polly Translation:

We first contacted Sonja with a pedagogical translation project in October 2020. Since then, she has been one of our trusted contacts for the EN > DE combination. Fast and impeccable work.

Carmen Barra García
Learnship Networks GmbH

I look forward to hearing from you!
